About Millicent Hodson and Kenneth Archer
London, England
Millicent Hodson and Kenneth Archer (CBA ’18) are a dance and design team based in London. For three decades, they have reconstructed lost ballets and created original productions through their partnership entitled Ballets Old & New, staging their work with major companies worldwide. Hodson and Archer give lectures and workshops, write books and articles, and exhibit their production drawings. Their book The Lost Rite, on “Le Sacre du Printemps” (1913), was recently published in Russian by the Vaganova Academy in St Petersburg.
Balanchine’s Twenties: Early Solos and Duets
Hodson and Archer prepared a book on their reconstructions of five early ballets by George Balanchine. During their time at The Center, they planned to host workshops to teach solos and duets from these ballets and to share their methods of reconstructing and staging. Their focus was on the stylistic heritage Balanchine brought from Petrograd and how he integrated it with what he encountered in Paris and in other Ballets Russes ports of call.