About Ruth Horowitz
New York, NY
Ruth Horowitz (CBA ’18) is Professor of Sociology at New York University. Among her publications are Honor and the American Dream: Culture and Identity in a Chicano Community (1983), Teen Mothers: Citizens or Dependents? (1994), Street Drugs, Street Kids, Street Crime (with J. Inciardi and A. Pottieger, 1993), and In the Public Interest: Medical Licensing and the Disciplinary Process (2013). She is the recipient of several book awards: Honorable mention, C. Wright Mills (1983); Cooley Award (1994); Law Section (2013). Additionally, she received the George Herbert Mead Distinguished Career Award (2015). Dance has always been her favorite “after school” activity.
Dance in a Nutshell: Through the Lens of Nutcracker
Few high school aged ballet dancers continue on to careers in dance. Only a few join companies, staying only a few years. Some teach or make their lives outside the world of dance. Others join the “project based” economy, often after college, struggling to make a living from dance but often doing other activities too. Horowitz’s interviews and research examined how dancers make these decisions and transition between different life stages.